At first you might itch. After that, some burning. Eventually you realize that a yeast infection has taken hold. Women from all walks of life suffer from this common occurrence. A yeast infection is not usually serious, though, and there are ways to treat or prevent it.
Remove all wet clothing right away. Damp clothing allows yeast to grow. Also, don't forget to dry your vaginal area after taking off your wet clothes.
Don't used scented products near your vagina. Scented soap and deodorants may result in irritation and may cause infections. Try to use unscented products as much as possible, such as tampons and sanitary wipes. Don't use toilet paper that contains dyes.
When using a cream, stay away from condoms or other like birth control items. Creams can reduce the effectiveness of your contraception. Try avoiding sex all together if you can, until the infection is completely healed. If you want to continue having sex, discuss the appropriate method of birth control with your doctor.
Eat some yogurt. If you start to feel any itching or burning on any part of your body, it could be a sign of a nasty yeast infection, so you should eat some yogurt as soon as possible. Acidophilus cultures which are in yogurt help battle yeast infections. This gives your body the healthy bacteria it needs to diminish the yeast.
Avoid scented soaps and bubble baths if you are troubled by yeast infections. Scented bath products contain chemicals that promote yeast growth, which in turn increases the chance of getting a yeast infection. Also, avoid pads or tampons with scents added to them.
Try to eat a cup of yogurt each day to keep yeast infections at bay. The beneficial bacteria found in yogurt helps keep your body's bacterial flora in balance, thus preventing yeast from taking hold. Remember that this is a preventative measure, and it will not make an infection go away if one is already in process.
Avoid synthetic and tight clothing. Tight clothing restricts air flow, and synthetic fabrics can trap moisture and heat. A moist, warm atmosphere is the perfect environment for yeast to grow. Look for clothes made from materials that breathe like cotton and ensure they are not tight.
Changing your lifestyle a bit can help you manage a yeast infection. You can find the occasional cure, but if this is an ongoing thing, you need to take preventative measures. Make the necessary changes to your clothing, diet and/or lifestyle.
If you have sex when you are infected, it is important that you treat both partners. You can pass it on to your partner and make it harder to treat. If one partner has an infection, try using condoms to keep from infecting your partner.
Apple cider vinegar is a good remedy. You can drink it, and apply it externally as well. But, because it has the ability to cause burning, topical use may be risky. Rather, consider adding a few cups of apple cider vinegar to warm bathwater.
Use the information in this article, and you can better cope with a yeast infection. No more pain, itching, burning or discharge for you! In addition, share this information with your friends; they will thank you.
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